Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I Can Fly

For as long as I can remember I've had vivid dreams of me having the ability to fly. In these dreams I am always being followed or chased by someone or something and in my attempts of escaping, I fly away. However, its always a challenge getting my self to fly. In different occasions I climb up homes or trees to get my self high enough to be able to fly away, others I run a bit before jumping into the air.But they all end the same, once I notice that Im flying I get scared and begin to fall.

A few days ago I had one of those flying dreams, I was running away from someone and was climbing a tree and pushing my self with the trees branches, until finally I took flight. And again as soon as I felt my self flying in the middle of the sky I began to fall. Down, down, down.....I went, as soon as I was about to hit the floor I gently landed on a clear meadow with fluffy green grass, I was fine and suddenly awoke.


  1. I don't think I've ever had a flying dream -- sounds neat!

    1. They are cool, I have only been able to control my flight in one, that I can remember. It was fun!

  2. I love flying dreams. I usually wake up mid flight tho.

    1. Right, I dont have them often, maybe every few months and I have only been able to control my flight in one. I realized I was dreaming and that I was flying and thought, "wow I can go where ever I want". That was so much fun and amazing.

  3. I've had a lot of flying dreams too. I was never chased though. Chasing usually symbolizes anxiety, fear, stress, physical threats, or guilt.


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